Pages: 298
Published: July 2013
ISBN: 9781937785321
In Print
Tough technology and business challenges face you at every stage of a project. The one-page ingredients in 101 Design Ingredients show you how to solve problems using practical examples you can apply right away. Case studies explain how leading companies combined these ingredients into their own unique recipes to catapult their businesses, and how you can, too. You’ll learn how to mix and match the high-level patterns in this quick, entertaining survey to build your own solutions tailored to your projects’ requirements.
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One page, one ingredient. 101 reasons to become more successful at solving those big technology problems. 101 Design Ingredients will help your technology team identify problems, share responsibilities, and work better together.
In parts 1 through 4, you’ll find 101 problem-solving ingredients grouped into project stages, to help you apply the right ingredient at the right time. Start at any point and page through the humorously illustrated ingredients until you find one that matches your needs best. The ingredients cover the spectrum your business needs to be successful, with tips on team-building, creating a business model, product launch, productivity, and much more. Each ingredient includes three practical suggestions to get you started right away.
In part 5, you’ll see examples of how companies can blend some of the ingredients used in this book to solve specific business requirements for investment, innovation, leadership, and more. Each recipe shows how a company fine-tuned six of the ingredients to build their own unique solution. You’ll learn how to mix and match ingredients to create your own recipes for success, tailored to your company’s needs.
The ingredients and recipes in this book can be applied by beginners starting out on their first technology project, as well as seasoned professionals who have been tackling the same big problems for years and need a fresh new approach to problem solving.
Eewei Chen is an award-winning product engineering and design strategist. He previously led design practices at Dell EMC, ThoughtWorks Europe, and British Sky Broadcasting (BSKYB). Eewei currently heads up Design and Innovation at Virtusa Consulting & Services. Eewei loves speaking, mentoring, and running workshops in design, lean startup, technology, and Agile communities. He blogs at and he’s @Ultraman on Twitter.
Illustrator Robert André has worked within the creative industry for more than twenty years on everything from paste-ups to product design. Although he believes good design should appear effortless, not draw attention to itself, fulfill a need, and be functional, occasionally something really great grabs his attention and he cannot help thinking: “That’s brilliant, how can I illustrate that?”
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Pages: 298
Published: July 2013
ISBN: 9781937785321
Edition: 1
In Print